The Governor of California has ordered all residents to stay at home. This is such a turbulent time – hopefully despite the difficulties this crisis has brought, the Earth will breathe a sigh of relief from less traffic and pollution and we will learn to appreciate the simple things again. I am so grateful that … Continue reading “Gratitude”
This morning I woke up with my eyes heavy, feeling so weak that it hurt to move. You know what the universe did for me? Instead of letting me sleep in and feel sorry for myself, it sent me a last-minute Rover request (yes, I am a Rover dog sitter). I forced myself out of … Continue reading “The Universe Provides”
Dear friends, You know how sometimes an epiphany comes to you and you realize that you’ve been on the wrong path for such a long time that you can’t believe it took you so long to see it? Well I found a quote last week that turned my whole world upside down. It said: It … Continue reading “The Beginning”