Dystonia Survival Kit (part I)

I kept promising myself that I would post the little things that make my life easier with Dystonia and I have kept putting it off. No longer. Here are some of my helpful tricks, which I can’t guarantee will work for you, but I’m putting them out there for the Universe to hopefully send to the right people:


1. The cervical pillow. There are many different kinds, but I have two of these, so I sleep on one and double it up if I’m watching a movie on my laptop:

Here is the link (I don’t get anything from this): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IWM6056/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1

2. Australian Dream Cream (it’s made for Arthritis pain but honestly it makes anything that hurts feel better, especially my neck when it’s turning really badly. I love that it doesn’t have that awful menthol smell that all of the other muscle creams/serums have (ladies, you know what I’m talking about). It actually has no smell at all. I know this link is for Amazon too but it can be found other places, just google for the lowest price:

3. The HYPERVOLT. Yes, I put it in all caps because this thing is INCREDIBLE. There are many people out there that will tell you to stop lifting heavy shit (like groceries – I mean, really?!) and stop exercising like you used to. I tried that for a year and felt myself slowly disappear. Fuck that. Do what your body needs, and give it what it needs – we’re all different. For me, some days I can run, most days I walk and do a yoga/stretching routine (which I hope to record soon to post). In the meantime, enjoy the fact that you can actually massage yourself without two balls awkwardly rolling next to your ears like the Shiatsu massagers:

It’s a bit pricey at $350 but it’s worth it. I bought mine at 24-hour Fitness but you can get it online too. There are different brands that sell for cheaper but I have friends who bought those and the power is just not as strong. If you’re fine with a lighter touch, then by all means, go for cheaper!

These are my top three items for my Dystonia Survival Kit. If you have any items of your own, I would love to hear about them!

Stay strong! GGG!

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